Serdar Sari, MD – Obstetrics and Gynecology
How Can I Help You?
(Information for Patients)
Women’s Health
Pelvic Examination
Ultrasonographic Examination (Abdominal or Vaginal)
Doppler (Color) Ultrasonography
Vaginitis ve Salphingitis Treatment
Endometrial Biopsy
Diagnosis and Treatment of Ovarian Cysts
Chronic (Long Lasting) Groin and Abdominal Pain Treatment
Menstrual Irregularities, Painful and Excess Menstrual Bleeding
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Bartholin Cyst and Abscess Treatment
Pap Smear Test (Cervical Smear)
Cervical Biopsy
Menopause Diagnosis and Treatment of Related Problems
Womb (Uterus) Operations; Hysterectomy, Myomectomy
Operation for Ovarian Cysts (Laparotomy ve Laparoscopy)
Diagnostic and Operative Laparoscopy
Pregnancy Followup
Ectopic Pregnancy Diagnosis and Treatment
Threatened Abortus Treatment
Tests for Fetus; Double Test, Triple Test, Four Parameter Test
PrenaTest; Free Fetal DNA Analysis, Risk Free Prenatal Diagnosis Test
Ultrasononography in Pregnancy; Detailed Ultrasonography, Nuchal Translucency (NT) ve Nasal Bone (NB) Measurement
Doppler (Color) Ultrasonography in Pregnancy
Vaginal Birth
Painless Vaginal Birth with Epidural Anesthesia
Cesarian Birth
Cesarian Birth with Spinal Anesthesia
Examination After Birth
Family Planning
Intra Uterin Device (IUD) Application and Removal
Oral Contraceptive Counselling
Tuba Ligation (Sterilisation)
Curretage for Unwanted Pregnancies
Ovulation Induction and Followup
Hysterosalphingography (HSG) Procedure and Interpretation
Policystic Ovary Syndrome Diagnosis and Treatment
Endometriosis (Chocolate Cyst) Diagnosis and Treatment
Diagnostic or Operative Laparoscopy for Infertility
Urinary Incontinence
TOT (Transobturator Tape) and TVT (Tension Free Vaginal Tape) Operation for Urinary Incontinence
Laparoscopy (Closed Operation)
Diagnostic in Infertility Management, Closure of the Fallopian Tubes (Sterilisation), Cysts of Ovaries, Ektopic Pregnancy, Uterine Myomas and Hysterectomy (Removal of Womb) Operations
Removal of Polyps in Womb, Removal of Myomas and Corrections of Shape of Womb
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